Sunday, November 23, 2014

Preparing for Eternity

“The Lord, who is rich in mercy, and 
ever willing to answer the consistent prayer of the humble, 
after we had called upon Him in a fervent manner, 
aside from the abodes of men, 
condescended to manifest to us His will. 
On a sudden, as from the midst of eternity, 
the voice of the Redeemer spake peace to us, 
while the veil was parted and the angel of God came down clothed with glory, 
and delivered the anxiously looked for message, 
and the keys of the Gospel of repentance. 
What joy! what wonder! what amazement!

     Obviously, I’m not a writer.  At the least, not a good one or a consistent one. I would like to be, but alas I am already in my sixtieth year of life and this is all the progress I have made. Andrew Carnegie was attributed to have expressed that the first third of your life was for your education, the second third of your life was for your vocation, and the final third of your life is for your giving of service to others.  What service do I have to give?

     Before the “what” comes the “who.”  I typically list spouse, each child , parents, extended family, community, and all others.  I once attended a class where the teacher taught that if I am not at the head of the list, then I cannot be of much assistance to others. Of course scripture teaches us to first love God with all our heart, might, mind, and strength, and secondly to love our neighbor as ourself. Once you chose who, then you can focus on what.

     Let’s ponder what scripture teaches.  Universally scripture teaches us to love and not hate, to do no harm, and gives us a path to follow.  Why then is our world in such a mess?  Because, as individuals, we are incapable of obedience and sacrifice in an instant. Time has been measured unto us; we are in a probationary period.  We choose what we do with our time, and we have to live with the consequences of those choices.  If we truly love God, then it only stands to reason that we will love ourselves, who are a part of God’s creation, and love others likewise.  That does not mean we condone action contrary to God’s word.

     So, according to God’s word, if we love God, we love both ourselves and others.  I love activities that can be done simultaneously; though I have been accused of not being able to walk and chew gum at the same time.  I enjoy exercising and studying sermons at the same time; I feel a sense of accomplishment. I believe we help ourselves as we serve others, and at the same time we can sense God’s happiness in our choice. Wow!  A win-win-win situation.  We have demonstrated our love for God, for ourselves, and for others through the action of charity. However, we cannot live in Zion and Babylon simultaneously; once you put your hand to the plow, do not look back!  Now, let’s return to my “others” list: spouse, each child, parents, extended family, community, and all others.

     Spouse!  What a wonderful blessing to have a helpmate!  Obedience to God’s word requires sacrifice. A broken heart and a contrite spirit are requisite. We sacrifice selfishness for selflessness. We give of our time, our talents, and of all that we have been blessed with. We build our home and live our lives in Zion, not in Babylon. Eventually we become one.

     Children!  Each individual child is a blessing!  Responsibility is a key; we need to know when and how to assist, and when and how to relinquish control. Parents are partners in this process; they have a sacred and solemn duty to love, care, and rear their children in God’s love.

     Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee - Exodus 20:12.

     We often think of extended family as a sibling and their family or uncles, aunts, and cousins.  What about our ancestors?  What about our posterity?

     We live, work, and worship in geographical neighborhoods, places of employment, and church congregations.  We reside in states, countries, and this earth.  Everyone needs assistance at one time or another. 

     What service do I have to give?  Repentence, faith, hope, charity, and enduring well to the end!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

A Gift in Faith, Family, and Freedom.

Reprinted and edited from my Facebook post on Memorial Day earlier this year.

Thank you to the individual who threw and broke the beer bottle in my back yard.

I got up this morning, like most mornings, and had my prayers, read my scriptures, and took my medication. Unlike most mornings, I felt inspired to post a Facebook picture, something I do maybe once or twice a year; the picture showed hundreds of American flags waving in the breeze at a cemetery. I captioned it, “Remember, remember…” and then returned to my daily routine.

As I started working in my backyard, I discovered dozens of pieces of glass scattered from a beer bottle that had been thrown and impacted on the landscape rocks. Initially, rage set in – a cycle of feeling disrespected, abused, and tortured – a cascade of feelings much too familiar in my life since serving in the Army as a teenager on the other side of the Pacific Ocean…

I then prayed for understanding, on this day of all days, when we remember those who paid the price for our freedom.

My father Bob, who lost one leg and part of his other foot in WWII, now confined to a nursing home, thanks you for exercising your opportunity to freely walk the street. My uncle Ricci, the only survivor of his plane shot down in WWII and who spent years recovering from his injuries, thanks you for exercising your right to freely go wherever and whenever you desire. My uncle Harold, who would never speak of his service in the Pacific during WWII, thanks you for exercising your right to comment on how you feel about my property. My grandfather Leon, who served in France in WWI, thanks you for exercising your freedom to worship and show respect according to the dictates of your own conscience. His brother Weary, who was retired from the U.S. Cavalry due to his disability, thanks you for exercising your right to be out drinking beer as you wish. Their granduncle George Henry, who was disabled during the Civil War at the battle of Chantilly, thanks you for using your freedom of choice to choose either unity or division. His father Samuel, my 3rd great grandfather who served in the War of 1812, thanks you having the opportunity to use and express your freedom as you desire.  All my many ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War to make this country free and give you the opportunity to express your free will salute you!

I thank you for giving me the opportunity to work through my post-traumatic stress secondary to my service to our country -- today as I clean up the shards of a broken beer bottle and the shards of repressed memories of those who hurt me -- I know Jesus heals!!

God bless!!!

Thank you, for helping me remember.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

3 Gifts Read

Three Gifts Read 
     The following three gifts read have given me tremendous joy, insight, and guidance.  The Bible, the Book of Mormon, and the Pearl of Great Price have all been a blessing in my life.  The Word of God is indeed an iron rod.

     My Grandmother Walker first gave me a young people’s edition of the Bible prior to entering into 6th grade.  I tried to read it starting from the beginning, but I must confess that I gave-up prior to finishing the five books of Moses.  It wasn’t until I was married that I became interested in reading the Bible again, thanks to the good example of a Christian man named Howard Askwith.  He gave my wife and me a Gideon Bible in 1978.  Later that August, my wife gave me a copy of a Collin’s Red-letter edition of the Bible.  I read, studied, and pondered the New Testament at length.

     One evening I again started reading the New Testament from the beginning; I only made it as far as Matthew 7:7.  As I contemplated this passage, I felt that if I asked God if what I was reading was true, He had to answer me.  I gave a most sincere prayer – pleading for an answer.  Soon after, two Elders from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints knocked on my door.  They gifted me a Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ.
     I was eventually baptized and was given a copy of the Pearl of Great Price.  The plan of salvation, the good news, and daily guidance in living our lives are contained in these books!  I testify that as I hold to the iron rod, I am capable of much more than I can imagine.  Joy in this life and eternal joy in the life to come!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

3 Gifts Loved

I have started the Joy Dare Collection for July.

Three Gifts Loved.

     The plan of salvation and exaltation is wonderful.  Contained within it are the gifts of the atonement, the Holy Ghost, and eternal marriage.  I so love these gifts!

     Jesus sacrificed so we can be saved!  In a love so sublime, he took upon himself the sins of the world.  He freely submitted his will to the Father's will.  Through faith and repentance, I too can have eternal life.

     The Holy Ghost guides and protects me while in mortality.  This gift is often overlooked, taken for granted, and ignored.  As I live righteously, the companionship of the Holy Ghost is a much loved gift!

     My spouse and I grow stronger in love as our hearts are knit together in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The blessing of being sealed forever allows this love to continue growing throughout the eternities.  I so love the gift of eternal companionship!

     Thank you Heavenly Father for the gifts of your son, the Holy Ghost, and an eternal companion!